Hudson S Bay — Department Store in Lethbridge

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Hudson S Bay

Department Store at 200 4 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB T1J 4C8, Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1J 4C8 . Here you will find detailed information about Hudson S Bay: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
    10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday
    10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday
    10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Thursday
    10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Friday
    10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Saturday
    9:30 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Sunday
    11:00 AM – 6:00 PM


Based on 17 reviews


200 4 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB T1J 4C8, Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1J 4C8
T1J 4C8

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About Hudson S Bay

Hudson S Bay is a UK Department Store based in Lethbridge, Alberta. Hudson S Bay is located at 200 4 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB T1J 4C8, Canada,

Please contact Hudson S Bay using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Hudson S Bay opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Hudson S Bay

  • Julian
    Added 2016.08.22
    Finally, the real disgusting part, I actually witnessed a number of them talk on their phones and stalk a native couple walking through the store. They were so hell-bent on making sure this couple wasn't stealing that they disregarded any other customers. I made it a point to go up to the native couple and tell them what was happening, and they said they knew and had money to buy things. What kind of people are you employing here?!
  • Leonardo
    Added 2016.07.02
    Got a fab dress at a fab price! Clerk was,for a change, super nice and efficient. I usually pay for everything at the cosmetic counters,because the staff is always great there.
  • Ezra
    Added 2016.06.28
    Stuff of Nightmares
  • Owen
    Added 2016.04.10
    This is easily one of the worst locations in Canada. There's very little selection, the staff are either unwilling or unable to help, and when they do, they provide you with incorrect information. That is, if you can find anyone on the floor. Taking it up with the store manager is an exercise in futility.
  • Avery
    Added 2016.03.22
    I was just passing through the Bay to get to the rest of the mall. What I expected was a quick, pain-free walk from one end of the store to another. What I got was a journey filled with suffering, despair, and horrors beyond the average persons imagination.
  • Eli
    Added 2016.03.07
    They also act so bizarre when we go to the change rooms and are so unbelievably rude about it. The one older woman wouldn't let me hold the door to the men's change room area open so I could see my husband's outfits after he changed. We ended up dumping all the clothes we were going to buy after being scolded, and just left because of this.
  • Aaron
    Added 2015.12.30
    I walked up to the front doors on the outside of the building. I tried opening the, rightmost door, but it was locked, despite the store obviously being open. Eventually I found that only one door out of the many available was unlocked. How I wish it was not.
  • Ava
    Added 2015.06.10
    You guys have great selection and good deals, but your staff are truly discriminatory in every sense. I'd like to add that these are all 3 separate occasions. Due to all this, I rarely shop at this location like I used to.
  • Jaxon
    Added 2015.06.10
    The building itself is old and in desperate need of an update. It's also small, grimy, and not a pleasant shopping experience.
  • Luna
    Added 2015.05.27
    I tried the door behind me, but it remained locked. It was only a matter of time before it would make its way back to its lair, so i knew I had to act fast. I reached into my pocket and drew out my trust pocket knife. I heard heavy footsteps around the corner, and I readied myself. As soon as I saw its big green paw step around the corner, I dropped to the ground and started squealing. This age old trick was employed by the natives of Siberia to gain a goblins trust. I heard it move toward me, and sit down. It clearly thought I was just a big snail. As soon as it turned way from me. i got onto my feet and jumped onto its back. It let out a hiss, and stood up. I underestimated its massive size, forgetting that Siberian goblins are on of the largest breeds alive. I almost hit my head on the ceiling. It tried to fling me off, but I quickly pressed the blade of my knife to its neck, and pushed. I felt its green blood flowing over my hands, and I kept pushing until it stopped moving. I stood over its corpse for a few seconds, covered in slimy green blood, when I heard a squeal from around the corner. There, three goblin babies were staring at me with their beady black eyes. I tried the door again, and it opened. I ran out.
  • Ezekiel
    Added 2015.03.30
    I came into the store asking for some help in finding some dress shirts that we're on sale to be responded with an annoyed employee who talked down to me. She was an older lady, but did not so any effort of customer service, mostly just responses such as "idunno what you want me to tell you, we can't order stuff in" when I had not inquired if they can order stuff in.
  • Autumn
    Added 2015.01.18
    Th room I had stumbled into was not a stairwell. Quite the opposite. There were bottles of nail polish strewn all around, ripped clothes, and the bones of dead children. I knew immediately what kind of creature would leave this kind of mess. In my days as a freelance journalist, I had traveled the world. Only once did I catch a glimpse of these mysterious beast. It was a Siberian Goblin.
  • Luna
    Added 2014.10.05
    On the positive side, it's great if you want a quiet place to walk around and forget that you live in the 21st century.
  • Michael
    Added 2014.05.01
    I'm actually appalled at the staff at this location. All the older women who work here are so rude to anyone younger. My husband and I went there to buy sunglasses (men's are upstairs, women's downstairs), and were harassed by a woman asking us if we were actually going to purchase the items because we went from the 2nd floor to the main floor to look at the women's sunglasses. She oddly kept asking this to us as we left the men's section upstairs, and pushing that "just make sure you pay for it".
  • Benjamin
    Added 2014.02.19
    After getting inside, I took a long look around. All the lights were on, but I could not, for the life of me, see another human being. I thought this was strange, but I pushed those worries to the back of my mind and pressed on. I hopped on the escalator to head to the top floor, but as soon as my foot touched the moving metal stair, the whole escalator seemed to shudder, and quit moving. I froze, puzzled, and watched as it reversed. I didn't want to put in the effort of climbing an elevator going in reverse, so I looked around for a set of normal stairs that I could use. I found a door that was a little bit out of the way, that had the symbol for a stairwell on it regardless. I opened the door, and stepped inside.
  • Bella
    Added 2013.12.04
    My eyes didn't adjust to the darkness at first, so I took a few steps forward without being able to see what was in front of me. The door slammed shut, my eyes adjusted, and my life changed forever.
  • Daniel
    Added 2013.05.11
    Please, avoid this store at all costs. There is no telling how many innocents have been consumed by these disgusting creatures. By the time I have left this review the three goblin children will likely have reached full size, and are running rampant. Even if the bay does have a sale letting you get 59.99 Calvin Klein performance down vest and and additional 30% off other active wear, the risk is too great. Please. Don't make the mistake I made. Stay away from this store.
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