Galaxy Cinemas Lethbridge — Movie Theater in Lethbridge

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Galaxy Cinemas Lethbridge

Movie Theater at 501 1 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB T1J 0A1, Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1J 0A1 . Here you will find detailed information about Galaxy Cinemas Lethbridge: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 7 reviews


501 1 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB T1J 0A1, Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta, T1J 0A1
T1J 0A1

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About Galaxy Cinemas Lethbridge

Galaxy Cinemas Lethbridge is a UK Movie Theater based in Lethbridge, Alberta. Galaxy Cinemas Lethbridge is located at 501 1 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB T1J 0A1, Canada,

Please contact Galaxy Cinemas Lethbridge using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Galaxy Cinemas Lethbridge opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Galaxy Cinemas Lethbridge

  • Luna
    Added 2016.07.19
    Overpriced concession, bad deep fried foods. Stick to froyo and tea. Manatees are usually empty. I came here almost a decade ago to watch: "Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny" and was one of two people in the theater. The other guy smoked a joint halfway through in the middle of the theater. One of my favourite movie memories. Doesn't always seem to pick the best first run movies sometimes. There's an arcade that looks p cool, used to be more shooting games back in my day but it lights up a bunch more now.
  • Adeline
    Added 2016.07.09
    I go to the Scene special programs like opera and ballet productions shown by satellite. I really enjoy them. I find the cost of the treats is really too expensive so have not been buying them except on rare occasions.
  • Austin
    Added 2016.05.24
    Well managed with good staff but concessions are high priced.
  • Cooper
    Added 2015.03.05
    Pretty decent theatre . Sad they got rid of the free refills on the popcorn ! Over all it is good . Love the scene points
  • Theodore
    Added 2014.07.20
    Besides, all the big budget movies suck these days anyway. I bet Jurassic Park really works out this time. Everything goes smoothly. This is it guys, I can feel it.
  • Evelyn
    Added 2013.12.22
    Bingo Bango. I saw Avenger: XXX in 3D and the boobs really popped off the screen. The dildos they gave weren't very sturdy but that's ok. I brought my own
  • Claire
    Added 2013.09.21
    Galaxy cinema promotions are usually terrible. Something about holding on to your ticket to get the opportunity to rent or buy the full movie in a download from the Galaxy servers? It's like netflix, only if only contained movies you literally immediately watched and was able to attach your physical identity to your isp. Not strictly valuable to them, but definitely valuable to another company/individual. What is it with movie and video game makers increasingly begging us for money, only to try to turn us into a product after we pay them? Why is a movie theater financing god damn credit cards? You couldn't trust equifax, a massive multi billion dollar financial credit institution with American federal government protection to stay on top of the hackers, but god damn cineplex odeon certainly will handle it as well as they handle people sneaking cheap snacks from the vending machine out front into the theater (My pal Fred once snuck in an entire DQ banana split undetected.) or maybe they stand up defiantly to these hackers, like they did when North Korea threaten to hack them because of a Seth Rogan movie and they totally rolled over and gave up. Obviously a sign they are prepared for a cyber attack on the millions of identities they protect from attack.
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